Supertrain 2012

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The Southern Alberta Lego Users Group delighted and wowed attendees at Supertrain 2012. This event, geared to train lovers of all ages, was held from April 21 to the 22nd. It is Canada’s largest train show with a display area of over 60, 000 square feet, featuring model railroad layouts, garden railroads, photo and art […]


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The SALUG forum is now operational. It is for SALUG Members only, and access is by request only. To request access to the boards, please proceed to the forum and register. If you are having difficulty, email The Forums can be accessed HERE.

Comic Expo 2011

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SALUG presented a collaborative display at the 2011 Calgary Comic Expo. We decided, in light of a new Pirates of the Caribbean film, to make it a Pirate themed display. It was a great build, and we had some of our newer members contributing for the first time, and some of our long time members chipping in with builds that were outside of their normal areas of expertise.

See more pics…